If you have not read the article yet, go to the last post and read it. If you don't this may not make since to you. Here are my observations:
1. We have become as Donald Miller said a Utopia Society. He explained that literally a person could go to Christian pre-school, elemtentary school, Jr. High and High School. They could then go to a Christian college all the way through and get a doctrate. They could then work for a Christian organization. It is possible, to go through life in our country today and never interact with a non-Christian.
The article believes this would be a better way of life. But what does that say about the commission Jesus gave his followers "To go into the world and make disciples."
2. The argument the writer of the article makes is that by working with unbelievers, a Christian may be influenced by the unbelievers. Not if they are totally sold out to Jesus. As a matter of fact if they Loved God with everything they had, that should not be a problem. And if they loved people (even those they did not agree with) they would want to hang out with anyone they had a chance to hang out with. Which brings me to number three.
3. The article makes this statement, "It is good to mix with unbelievers to love and convert them. If you convert them, then you can happily yoke together." Interpretation: If you can convert them then they will be just like you (Utopia Society). This is one of the reasons that people get all wierd about hanging out with Christians. They think the only reason they are hanging out with them is to convert them. They think that we just see them as some church project.
The reason I hang out with people is because I like to hang with them. I mean there are Christians I do not like to hang out with and there are unbleivers I like to hang out with and it has nothing to do with their spirituallity. It has everything to do with them, what they like, their personality and what we have in common (the job we may have together).
Honestly, I am around church people so much it has become very refreshing to hang out with people outside the Utopia Society. That has become a refuge for me. It is therapeutic to hang out with real people, who do not hide there problems, who do not come with an agenda and who are authentic in their approach to life. My prayer is that when I am in the streets, I bring a little of the kingdom with me wherever I go. As Robertson said, “The Christian has to keep his feet on the earth, but his head in the heavens. He must be heavenly minded on earth and so make earth like heaven” (Word Pictures of the New Testament).
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