Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Social Gospel

Last night our family went to a Church and helped them pack grocery bags of food to be handed out today. We packed 150 bages with a variety of goods. 75 of them are for a retirement home and the rest are for people who come to the church today for a free meal. What an awesome ministry to those in need.

As I was driving away I began to think about what we just did. The thing that struck me was that we had just worked side by side with a church that does not believe the same way I do. They are more liberal in their beliefs, even moral issues we face today. They take a loose interpretation of the scriptures. Doctrine is not as important to them as it is for me. But as a denomination they truly serve people who have specific needs.

Sunday at Northwest Interfaith begins. Interfaith is a non-profit organization that helps people who are homeless due to circumstances beyond their control. They are mostly made up of lower income families who need a break to get on their feet. Interfaith has a day home where a social worker helps them find a job and a place to live. One of the criteria for getting into Interfaith is that there have to be children involved.

Northwest is a host church. We open up our church for up to 4 families to stay for a week. We provide an evening meal, snacks, breakfast and a place to sleep. Most, if not all of the churches we partner with are churches who take a more liberal stance on some moral issues.

I am so glad, that I serve at a church that takes a strong stance on moral issues, holds God's word at a high level and practices a social gospel. Keep up the great work.

Here is a question I often ask myself, which is more important, to take a strong stance on doctrine or to practice a social gospel?


Anonymous said...

The wonderful thing is that we don't HAVE to choose between taking a strong stand on doctrine OR servanthood - they are together in Jesus. But we MUST have both. It's the truth in doctrine which convicts us of the need to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Scott Baker said...


I agree we need both, but there is a tendency to lean one way or the other. The fact is Jesus said everything is summed up in two commands, Love God and Love People. When we love God we will follow his commands and when we love people we will serve them.
