Friday, November 6, 2009

Zimababwe Day One

After getting to the village at 5 am on Saturday Morning we unpacked and got to bed about 5:30am. We were up at 7:30 getting showers and eating breakfast. At about 9:30 we headed to the church where we were greeted by an enormous crowd of children. When I stepped off the bus children surrounded me wanting to shake my hand and say, "Hi, how are you?" It was an overwhelming experience.

During the children's event I was talking to Blessing (one of the young men helping with the Mushayamunda Trust)and he shared with me that 70-80 percent of the children in attendance were without a father and a mother. They may live with a relative, but they have no parents. Some of the children in the video walked up to 20 miles to be at the event.

There were about 2200 present that afternoon and at the end we offered a decision time where over 300 present made a decision to follow Jesus.

One of the highlight came later in the day when a 12 year old boy, who has nothing, came up to me and shook my hand. As he shook my hand he said, "Jesus loves you."

How can people who have so little understand the love of Christ? I believe it comes from having to trust Him for everything and seeing Him provide everyday.


Jen said...

That video gives me chills!

The sound. The joy. So many kids!!

What an amazing experience ~ thanks for sharing it and I'm looking forward to more posts.

Unknown said...

The video was great! So many kids! So many that are needy! That was just awesome! I bet it was very overwhelming, for you, when the kid said 'Jesus loves you.' That was just.....WOW! Man...don't have the words....

westvirginiaman said...

That makes cold chills run over me. What a great experience that must be. It must make it worth getting 2 hours sleep, and to have 300 come to Christ. Praise God.

Susan335 said...

I can only imagine what that was like in person. Such an awesome welcome...who cares about sleep when so many people want to hear the the word of God! I knew it would be amazing!!!