Everyday over the last week I have passed a sign a couple times a day. The sign reads, "Amazing Vacation Church School" and then gives a date. Growing up in the church I am very familiar with what is typically known as "Vacation Bible School." Many of you have been to a VBS, most churches do them some don't.
This sign struck me because something was missing. I had never seen a heard of anything called Vacation Church School. So what do you learn at VCS? Do you learn the history of the church going back to the apostles and early church fathers, working your way through the Reformation until you get to the modern church? Or do you learn how to behave at church? Maybe it is about church etiquette. What do you learn at VCS?
When I try to figure out what Church School is I come to the conclusion I have no idea. I do however know what's missing. The Bible is missing. No this does amaze me, but I don;t think that is what they mean by "Amazing Vacation Church School. This "church" which is putting on VCS happens to be a Unity church. They believe in more than just the Bible. They accept other religion's thoughts and philosophies. Which is fine, they have every right to do so. But it is so confusing when a group tries to be a church without the Bible.
The reason I know this, is because I know of churches that place more emphasis on things out side the Bible than the Bible itself. When this happens, it is hard to see the church as anything other than a club that meets once a week. There are some churches that do Vacation Bible School and the only motivation for the VBS is to see how many kids they can get to come. They might as well call their summer event a Vacation Church School also, because the motivation has little to do in teaching kids the Bible.
Now here is my question. Can a church really call itself a church if the Bible is not at the foundation of it's existence? Let me know what you think.
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