I read a quote yesterday that has stuck with me. I am reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" and he said, "When I look at my relationship with God as a chore, a sacrifice, then I am getting the glory--not God."
Those who go into full-time ministry have a tendency to look at what they do as a sacrifice and a chore. While there are sacrifices that take place let's be honest, we need to drop the martyr syndrome here. I am guilty of this. That's why this quote stuck with me over the last day.
Those who are not in full-time ministry this quote applies to you also. I am going to say something that a lot of people will disagree with, even some professors I have had in college. Why do we have to show all this appreciation to volunteers for their service in the church? There was a time appreciation was not shown and there was not a problem with getting volunteers, people just served. Don't get me wrong I think it's good to show appreciation to volunteers, the problem comes when those who serve expect it and get upset when they don't get recognized for their good deed.
When we expect recognition it's a sign of a shallow relationship with God. A relationship that is based on personal incentives. Our attitude should be the same as the apostles who considered it a privaledge to be beaten up for the sake of Christ. Our motivation to serve becomes love not reward or a self pity party.
Maybe this is one of the problems with the church today, it is filled with people who decided when they are willing to make a sacrifice and when they are going to live an independent life from God. Good thing this was not the attitude of Jesus.
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