Wednesday, December 10, 2008


In Olympia, Washington, at the State Capitol building there is a war going on. 15 feet from a nativity scene a group of atheists and agnostics put up a sign that reads: "At this season of the winter solace, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but a myth and a superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

This battle is real and gets more intense every year. There is a movement to remove all religion from not just the public arena, but from society. The movement says it is based on reason and logic. The truth is when logic and reason are used they do not want to hear it. What this is about is pushing an agenda of secular humanism.

Well a group struck back this morning. Now in the State Capitol building there will be a display from a Fesitvus group. What is Festivus? For the Seinfeld fan this is a stupid question. For those who did not become a part of the Seinfeld movement here is a summary in their own words:

As a person who has an aluminum pole, the symbol for Festivus, let me give my "Airing of the Grievances":

Placing a Festivus display is showing how ridiculous our country is getting. In the name a free speech there is now a Festivus display that started out as a joke on a sitcom. When are our country's leaders going to get back to the basics of what this country was built upon without trying to always be politically correct. I believe I am truly living in a sitcom that is about to be taken off the air.

Any thoughts?

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