Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Drummer Boy

It is unbelievable. I have looked at bookstores, even Christian bookstores and can not find a simple traditional version of "The Little Drummer Boy." I am looking for a children's book and it is not there. But I did find the end of the movie:

Tonight is our Christmas candlelight service. We are basing the teaching around "The Little Drummer Boy." Back in September we did a series called "Radical Christianity." One of the teachings was called "Radical Christmas." I got the idea from Imago Dei in Portland,Oregon (you can read my previous blog on Advent Conspiracy for a better understanding).

The reason I like "The Little Drummer Boy," is that he gave a relational gift. He walked in and presented Jesus with the only thing he had, he played his drum as a gift.

You see, Jesus gave relationally to each of us, he gave himself. The question we are going to ask tonight is, "What are you will to give of yourself to Jesus." At the end of the service we are going to have people come to the front and take the Lord's Supper. A symbol of Jesus giving relational, a symbol of Jesus giving of himself.

We are also going to have offering plates in front. The idea is for us to give of ourselves during this Christmas season. Anyone who has participated in the Advent Conspiracy and has given relationally, saving some money in the process has been asked to give what was saved. From the offering tonight we are going to use it to buy water purification filters for people in Zimbabwe.

What are you willing to give of yourself this Christmas Season?

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