Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Then Why Don't We

I have been looking at the results of the survey in my last blog. I know that the survey is not that great and I know that there are not enough responses (15) to give a good sample. Thanks to those of you who took the time to run through the survey.

Sometimes I will ask a question when I am teaching knowing that the answer I am going to get is going to be the "bible school answer." Meaning, the answer people are going to give is the one they think the teacher wants to hear. Now that is great, if you are taking a test.

I hope that the 15 of you who answered the survey were not just giving the "bible school answer." I hope that is what you really believe. Because 100% of you said that discipleship is more important than going to church and a church building. There was also 100% of you who thought that people who are far from God are more important than people who go to church. These are great answers considering Jesus told us to go make disciples, not go to church. It is great considering, no where in scripture do we have a mention of a church building. The church building was later in history and may be why we stopped making disciples. The answer is great because we know the mission of Jesus was to reach people who were far from God, so that should be our mission as too.

Not knowing who the 15 people were who answered this way, I hope that you're trying to make discipleship a priority and are doing everything you can to reach people who are far from God. If not, maybe you did just give the "bible school answer."

There is a big difference between giving the right answer and living out what you truly believe. In a world where people are looking for authenticity they are tired of just the right answers. They are looking for people who live out what they say they believe.

Looking back at the questions on the survey, maybe I should have put one more question at the end- "Do you live by the answers you just gave?" (yes or no)

What do you think? Do we live by that answers we give or are we just giving the "bible school answer?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wearing a WWJD bracelet or having a fish on the trunk lid of my car doesn't make me a Christian. i am a member of nwacc and THAT doesn't MAKE me a Christian. i am there to work on building my relationship with God, without that relationship i cannot disciple someone else. behavior, actions & words toward people that are far from God can be a source of discipleship ONLY if i have a true relationship with the Holy Trinity. i often feel like an outsider at church because i am not a part of any one particular group; but this feeling is okay with me because its the people outside the church that matter to me. is this right? i guess that's between me and God.