I came out of Fred's Diner this afternoon after lunch. It was just before noon and the parking lot outside was full. People were beginning to park in a gravel lot across the street. There are four or five layers of shingles on the roof of this tiny white and red building. There is a sign that reads, "we have free wi-fi."
There is a car in the parking lot with so much trash that it is almost to the ceiling except for the small cleared out for the driver. There is a nice Mazda sports car parked not to far away. Eventually as the minute hand goes farther past noon, the parking lot will be filled with construction trucks, Jaguars, Lincoln's and cars filled with trash to the ceiling (you had to see it to believe it- I have got to start carrying a camera with me).
Inside you have your choice of a counter, table or booth. It does not have great decor, it is very plain. In the men's room above the urinal it reads, "Please do not put cigarette butts in the urinal. It makes them soggy and hard to light." There is a T.V. with a news network turned up loud enough for you to hear. You will find people of all different backgrounds there to experience the special of the day, if they have any left. I have gotten there before or right at noon and they were already out of the special (It happened to me twice. The first time it was Mac and Cheese. The Second it was meatloaf). I noticed on the wall today that "My Fox Cleveland" voted Fred's diner as "2008 Best Breakfast" (the corn beef hash is the best I have ever eaten).
The diner is only open for breakfast and lunch, closing at 3pm. Check out the website The site is plain and there is little information. There is very little advertising that comes from Fred's Diner, yet it is packed every time I go. Why?
Good service, great food and everyone who goes once tells someone they need to check it out. I had passed it many times until someone told me, "I went to this place yesterday and we need to eat there today" (It was Mac and Cheese day, we got there before noon, it was gone). Everything is simple and homemade.
Fred's is packed not because it is the besting looking place. It is not packed because they advertise. It is not packed because it is in the best location with the greatest parking. It is packed because they provide exactly what people want. Good service, great food and a great experience.
Sometimes I think churches and church leaders put to much emphasis in the wrong things. We think we have to have the best location, the nicest building or the best advertising. The last two questions of the simple survey asked about the building and being relevant verses the people who make up the church and building relationships. Sixteen out of seventeen stated that the people who make up the church and relationships are more important than the church building and being relevant.
Those who participated in the survey agree with me and Fred's that relationships and people are what we need to focus on the most. If you give people what they need(notice I did not say "what they want" and there is a difference), they come back. Not only that, they bring someone with them.
I know we need to do a better job at focusing on the right things at Northwest. We need to do a better job of building authentic relationships. We also need to be relevant in the right things so that people begin to see the church as essential to their lives again (idea taken from "Essential Church" by the Rainers).
When we begin to focus on what is important then maybe we will end up with a car in the parking lot filled to the top with stuff. You really needed to see this one!
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