Friday, July 4, 2008

North American Christian Convention (Day three)

The Baker's got back from Cincinnati this afternoon. It was a good convention, not great. I love seeing old friends and can not wait to go again next year in Louisville. I hope some others will make the journey from Northwest and from around the country.

Dr. Ralph Draper was the speaker this morning. This mornings message was about being transformed by God from the inside and not letting the culture get in the way. Draper told a story about a couple who were living together that decided to get baptized. He baptized them. Someone asked how he could baptize them before they stopped living in sin. He explained, let them come and hang out with God, let God transform them and they will begin to live a God honoring life.

The point is baptism is a new beginnning. It is not an end. It is not the goal. The goal is to let God transform people. Sometimes we need to get out of the way with all our rules and let God go to work.

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