Monday, January 11, 2010

Is this all there is to following Jesus?

I logged on to Facebook and noticed an update from a friend. The statement prompted the question: "Is this all there is to following Jesus?" This is it? Christianity defined by this moment in the week?

The statement is a sign of why we (Christians) are being defined as a religion and out of touch with the real world. I have to be honest if this is all there was to following Jesus, I am not sure I would participate.

I have to fight everyday this being the only motivation for doing what I do. Mainly because it is not very motivating. Yet everyday people try to drag me back into the game of just doing church the same way it has been done for the last century or more.

Jesus taught us to do much more than this, he taught us to be the church. He taught us how to live in an authentic relationship with God outside the confines of tradition, a building or even a common place. He showed us how to be the church hanging out with real people who have real issues and are searching for an abundant life, something better than what they are experiencing now.

I am not being critical of my friend, I think in ministry it is something which needs to be done. I am not bashing it, I am just rethinking what the main thing for a follower of Jesus may be.

OK, here is the status post: "Monday.....the start of our march toward SUNDAY....and another day of fellowship and worship."

Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Trying hard to remember that each day of the week is fellowship and worship; with each other(believers and non-believers alike) and with Jesus

bsbabbles said...

I've thought about this myself lately. I began to discuss God the other day with my granddaughters father. He said he doesn't really believe in God. I understood where he was comming from, but didn't know exactly what to say to him to start him on a path of believing. He never had any Christian activity in his home life growing up. He went to prison when he was just 18 or 19. There he began to read the bible and start to believe. But along the way he started to feel there were too many contraditions in the bible. As he said "God always has a way out of being responsible for what goes wrong, ie: a free will. He says he has a hard time having faith in something he has never seen? I think that is a big problem with non-blievers. They can not understand the concept of a merciful God who allows so much bad in the world. Even believers have a problem at times with this. I have always tried to wait to make a judgement against God when something goes wrong, and wait to see what comes next? Will it be enlightening some how? Will there be a new mission I am to take on? I consider myself a beginner at bible reading, and I don't always understand what I do read, so I don't feel I'm completely ready to convert a non-believer such as this person. But I know that I can continue to try to be a good example of my faith in God and hope to make a difference somewhere.