Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Gift of Relationship

I was getting ready to preach at one of the revivals in Zimbabwe and I asked my interpreter Max if they celebrate Christmas. He told me they did. I then asked him if it included gift giving. Again he told it did. I was surprised that gift giving was a part of their culture. I mean, with an unemployment rate of close to 85% what kind of gift can be given (That is the spoiled American side coming out in me).

He told me the gift may be a piece of clothing or something they could use for school. Sometimes the gift was bought, sometimes it was made but all the gifts had a purpose. The gift was usually something they needed. You mean there are no game systems, toys or ipods? (American side again)

We live in a culture where most of our gifts consist of things we want, not things we need. Think about your Christmas list does it consist of only things you wanted or are there some things you need.

Think about gift giving. Does it feel better to give someone something they need or something they want? Sometimes in our arrogance we stray from the list someone gives us to give them something we want to give them. We give them something we have always wanted but they could care less about. That gift usually ends up on a shelf or in a closet only to be regifted at a latter date. These gifts are not very relational gifts are they? Everytime it snows and I get my snowblower out I am thankful Barb and Fred got me a snow blower for Christmas last year. Since I could not get Rhonda to shovel the driveway the snow blower was something I needed.

Max went on to tell me that the best thing about Christmas was the family coming together. He said people love to see brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles. This to him was the best thing about Christmas. Why? Because God has created us to long for those types of relationships. When you don't have wealth, you begin to cherish the things that matter most, Family and Friends. You know I have great memories of past Christmas' but very seldom remember the gifts I recieved. I do however remember the people. Some who are still with us and some who are not. I would much rather have the people who are no longer with us, then the gift they gave me at the time.

Christmas is about the gift of relationship. First, it is the story of a relational God who sent his Son to die for us so we can have an eternal relationship with Him. There is no greater gift. Then it is about the relationships God has given us here on this earth, our family and our friends. Yeah, we may give a gift or two, but what we really long for is the gift of relationship.

So even if you don't have a present to give someone, maybe you should at the very least contact those you care most about during the Christmas season. Sometimes those are the gifts that go a lot farther than the present which is wrapped and placed under a tree.

So, I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone of my relatives and friend a Merry Christmas! I wish we could all be together. I know when Jesus comes again that will be possible, but until then MERRY CHRSITMAS!


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful Scott. I wish we could be together too. We miss you!!

westvirginiaman said...

I agree with Susan.


Anonymous said...

Scott, this is great! I love the gift of relationships too. I would love to have my dad here with me than all the gifts he ever gave me. However, he did give me the gift of his example which lead me to the greatest gift, Jesus. That, my friend, is the greatest relationship I have ever received. Thanks!

a bennett said...

It was great seeing you guys this past weekend. Thanks for carving time out of your schedule to do life with us!