Friday, December 4, 2009

Please Pray for the Bakers

We have entered into a new era of raising children. Eli just recently got his learners permit. He is driving now. Check out the videos of our journey to Walmart.


westvirginiaman said...

Well, Eli did a much better job on his trip than his father did on his first trip. At least he didn't kill the engine and roll backwards down a street. Being a parent is a great experience--over and over.

Russ said...

Best video I have watched in a long time. My favorite part was pulling into the parking lot. You know you drive across the lines like that all the time. Overall, I think he did great.

Jen said...

Great footage. I especially like the commentary Scott.

How can Eli be driving already? You are getting old.

Um.......I don't see any snow on the ground.......

Anonymous said...

Wow! Cannot believe Eli is driving! And, cannot believe you are video taping it!!!!!

Unknown said...

What! No screaming, no clawing at the dashboard and you had enough composure to hold the camera. Completely not acceptable, grey hair comes from near misses and sudden stops. Get a clutch and you'll need neck brace. If its going to be safe and paced, let Rhonda teach him.

...just kidding, glad all is well

Anonymous said...


I can't believe you actually took Eli out to drive at night. You are very brave