Thursday, May 7, 2009

Inspiring Day @ KSP

Several years ago a friend of mine asked if Northwest would be a part of a dream of his. The dream was(is) to make it hard to go to hell in the state of Ohio. The idea is to create networks of churches that will partner together with Stadia to plant 50 churches in the next 10 years. Today we determined we are currently in year 3. There are 7 plants that are either in the works or have birthed and the network for the
8th is being developed.

The stories that are coming from the churches that have currently been started are amazing.

The first, Momentum Christian Church, led by Dan Smith taught us about the kingdom today. For years churches have been territorial, not Momentum. They have sent about 30 people to be a part of the second church plant, Velocity which is in it's 6th week. Not only that, but Momentum announced today it was ready to commit $50,000 to a new church plant in Cleveland. Momentum is only 3 years old.

Second, Scott Pugh from Velocity spoke about Jesus an how he said if we want to be great we need to learn how to serve others. This is a major part of Velocity's DNA. As a matter of fact Scott did not begin his report by telling everyone how many people were at Velocity in it's 5th week (which was 190). He started by talking about how Velocity was becoming a great church by serving the community. When Velocity speaks of "service" they are not talking about what happens on Sunday morning. Serving others is so much of Velocity's DNA that every staff person is required to serve in some way one hour a week.

Finally, there was a report given of a inner city church in Canton. There were two stories of homeless people desiring to give. One guy wanted to put money in an offering. The other bought a bag of food to feed someone who was in need. Rivertree Christian has partnered to see this church happen. Greg Nettle pointed out that when you see homeless people give sacrificially it makes you more accountable as to how you spend your yearly budget as a church staff person.

Wow! What a day of stories about God. How He moves when people are obedient to the leading of the Spirit. People who are far from God are coming to know Him. This just confirms in my spirit that church planting can change the world. Spend some time praying for Momentum, Velocity and Kingdom Synergy Partnership. For people who are far from God and for church planters that can make an impact wherever God may lead them.

1 comment:

Russ said...

That is some great news. Sounds like we have a lot more work to do to reach the 50 goal.