When going to Kentucky Christian College I grew to dislike Ohio State Football. It had nothing to do with them not being good, it was the fans. The arogance was unbearable. I got tired of hearing that Ohio State was the "Mecca" of College Football.
My dislike grew into a dislike for Ohio. I remember making the statement that I would never live in in Ohio nor marry anyone from Ohio. Now look at me. I not only married someone from Ohio, I live in Ohio and my children have all been born in Ohio. Is this some sick joke from God, me being sentenced to Ohio? Or is Ohio in such a desperate situation it needs missionaries?
Now, I have crossed the threshold that I have lived in Ohio longer than any other state. Great.
Last Saturday I got to experience something every true Ohio State fan would love to experience. I would say I am sorry, but I'm not because it was awesome! As a true college football fan, I was like me in a Krispy Kreme donut shop.
A friend of mine, Greg G. is a recruiter for OSU Football. I have come to a conclusion he is trying to convert me to become an Ohio State Football fan. I have to admit, it is much easier with a coaches like Tressel and Greg who have a tremendous ammount of integrity and a strong belief in God. I actully will cheer for OSU against most teams. Growing up in Virginia, I will always stay loyal to the Hookies of VT.
The things I saw and experienced were incredible. I got my picture taken with my hand on one of the Heisman Trophies Archie Griffin recieved. I got to see the team rooms where the teams meet with the coaches. I got to go into the locker room both in the Woody Hayes center and at the Horseshoe. One of the most amazing things I got to see was a chalk board that Woody Hayes was outlining a book that was never written. I got to see the weight room, the players lounge and spend some time throwing football at the Horseshoe with my boys.
If I was a recruit-- I would have to say, "I'm going to Ohio State!" What a place with such a rich tradition. A place that honors the acheivements of its players in such a way they are never forgotten. A place that does not need the approval of others, a place that stands on it's own accomplishments. This was one of my top three sports experiences and I never saw a game played. I walked on hallowed ground. I am not Worthy.
Your nephew is experiencing some envy... Great shot of you and the boys!!!
I hope one day day I get to walk all over and experience all the history and tradition that comes with VT football just so I can rub it in your face! But I would probably have to wait another 100 yrs for that to happen so I guess I'm screwed
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