Saturday, April 25, 2009

How to Create a Movement

I often read Seth Godin's Blog. It has a lot of short but insightful posts. I read one a couple weeks ago called "First, ten." You can read it yourself here.

Although, it is insightful, it's not ground breaking. Jesus did it, but he started with twelve which ended up to be eleven until they added another and it was back to twelve again. The fact is it does work if . . . the "first, ten" are sold out to the cause. Whether the concept is right or wrong, good or bad, it works if there is buy in.

The success of blogs rely on the idea. Jesus began a movement. Amway built an international company. We are in a War on Terror fighting against radicals who use the tactic to their advantage. The secularist movement is growing. The church in China is exploding because of the concept. But what about the church in America? How are we doing with the "first, ten?" Some do well, but most don't.

Godin points out "you can no longer market to the anonymous masses. They're not anonymous and they're not masses. You can only market to people who are willing participants." The truth is, the American church is still stuck in marketing to the anonymous masses. In the process we have lost the Rabbi's comission to make disciples.

So how can we change the American church and create a movement that sweeps our nation and the world? It is simple. If you believe with all your heart in Jesus, find ten people who as Godin says, "trust you/respect you/need you/listen to you... Those ten people need what you have to sell, or want it. And if they love it, you win."

The challenge is on . . . pick your "first, ten."

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