Tuesday, March 4, 2008

From Barstools to Baptism

When I went to the church planting bootcamp with Scott Pugh last October, I got the opportunity to spend some time with Vince Antonucci. Vince started a church in Virginia Beach and is one of the most passionate people I have ever met when it comes to reaching lost people. He is not afraid to try anything to connect someone who is far from God to Jesus. Forefont Christian Church where he ministers has three sites. They have the Virginia Beach Campus, the Chesapeake Camus and the Tuesday Night Campus. It is the Tuesday Night Campus that is one of the most unique places for a church. Forefront's website is: www.forefront.org

The Tuesday Night Campus meets at The White Horse Pub (view). I know this may make some of you uncomfortable. Some of you may think how can they have church in a pub. Well, remember what Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am with them" (Matthew 18:20). Also remember Jesus went to the margins of society, where those who were far from God hung out. Before you get to critical, remember the religious leaders of Jesus' time questioned why he would hang out with sinners. He once responded by saying, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. . . For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners" (Matthew 9:13-13).

Listen to some of the stories Vince shared about the fruit after 6 weeks of having church in The White Horse Pub. A guy came up to him one week with a Bible in his hand and said, "Last week I came to drink. This week I came to go to church." Another guy asked if they could come and do this at his house. He was going to throw an outdoor party and invite a bunch of friends. He wanted the band, the preaching, communion and I assume the offering. How about that, people who want the church to come to them.

When we take the gospel to those who are far from God, there is no telling how the Spirit will move.

Since that trip to Nashville, I have been praying about a place where I can meet people who are far from God. I have also been praying for a place where Northwest can meet people far from God. As we move to be more missional, we need to pray that God will lead us to some uncomfortable places. So do not be surprised if we try to take the gospel to those who are far from God. As Christ followers it is our responsibility.

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