Growing up in Salem, Va. was special. Not only is it a great place to call home it is close to one of the most scenic places on the Appalachian Trail. Macafee Knob is one of those places that I have had the privilege of seeing several times in my life. Each time it was unforgettable. Not because it is one of the most beautiful places on earth, but each time it was special because of the people I got to experience it with.
I believe it was a Sunday afternoon in the late seventies or early eighty's when I first looked over the Blue Ridge Mountains. My father asked me to going hiking with him. I had no idea where we were going, I just new I was going to be on the Appalachian trail for the first time.
Dad and I drove to the top of Catawba Mountain, parked the car, crossed route 311 and began our journey to Macafee Knob. It is about 3.5 mile walk each way on the trail. I was reminded by my dad recently that I complained a lot of the way to the top and back down. But, it was a place I always remembered. I have often looked up pictures on the Internet and even written about standing on the knob looking out across the Blue Ridge Mountains.
As much as I did not like the hike I never forgot it. I never forgot it for two reasons. First it was a journey my dad and I did together. It was a memory we shared together and as I look back it is something I have never forgotten. Second, it was one of those moments where I got to see what my Heavenly Father created for His Creation to experience. A place that a Psalm could easily be written about explaining the splendor of God.
Two weeks ago I was standing on that same rock protruding out in what seems like midair. I never thought I would be there again.
This time I was not there with my dad but I got to go as a dad. Eli, Cole and Seth all were with me at Macafee Knob. It was special because it reminded me of being there with dad and now I was there with my sons.
I have to say, God is great for many reasons and I have been blessed in so many ways. That day I got to remember spending time with dad knowing that I was raised in a great family. I got to spend that day with my kids duplicating what my dad taught me about being a father. I realized how much my kids are like me--Eli complained all the way up and all the way down.
But most of all I got to see the splendor of God in what he created--my dad, my kids and the rock called Macafee Knob.
Lifetime memories that will never be forgotten.
Love this.
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