People don't die of thirst, they die of dehydration. Dehydration means your body does not have as much water and fluids that it needs. The symptoms are: dry mouth, sweating stops, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting and light headedness. Your body begins to shut down and eventually you can die. So we have to drink water.
What about spiritual dehydration? What does this mean? It means we need more Jesus! In John 4 Jesus goes to a well and a woman approaches at the sixth hour. She does not come at the first hour because she is an outcast and really doesn't want to take the ridicule. On top of that, she is a Samaritan and Jews did not associate with their kind.
Jesus looks beyond all of this and asks her for a drink of water. It leads into a discussion where Jesus tells the woman that he can give her a water where she will thirst no more. He wasn't talking physically he was talking spiritually. He is the living water which leads to eternal life.
He then says that there is a time when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth. True worshipers are those who go to the well and drink the living water (Jesus). True worshipers live like Jesus because he was the one who showed us how to worship the Father in Spirit and truth.
After that he let's her know he is the Messiah. She believed and it changed her life. She left her jar and told everyone about Jesus. Finally the people she told said they did not need her to tell them about Jesus because they had met him themselves.
Look. Jesus changes everything. He can give life to that which is dead or about to die.
Our problem is that we can become spiritually dehydrated when we do not give Jesus room to live in us.
Here is the challenge for today. Try to add Jesus to everything you do and see if it does not make a difference. He is "The Well" from which we need to draw living water.
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