Thursday, October 8, 2009

Christianity in Decline

When I logged on to the Internet this morning the headline on my homepage stated that 25% of the world is now Muslim. Below the headline there was another headline discussing the decline of Christianity (you can read it here

Here are a couple statements from the Fox News article by Bruce Feller:

"In the coming months, America will become a minority Protestant nation for the first time since the pilgrims."

"The number of Christians has declined 12% since 1990, and is now 76%, the lowest percentage in American History."

"The growth of non-believers has come largely from men. Twenty percent of men express no religious affiliation."

"Young People are fleeing faith. Nearly a quarter of Americans in their 20's profess no organized religion."

"Americans are interested in God, but they don't think existing institutions are helping them draw closer to God."

When is "the" church going to pay attention to what is happening in our culture? When are we going to really take seriously our call to make disciples instead of just growing a church? People are growing farther and farther from God and the church does not seem to get it.

What are your thoughts? I would love to here them.


Lloydie said...

The church (or, more accurately, the mainstream church in America) is the issue here. They wanted to develop a political culture that allowed them to gain control, and some how proselytize in that process. They didn't even think about what backlash that would cause, and how average citizens would eventually lump churches in with them, and dismiss the whole lot.

The good news is that, because of the deconstructionism that is occurring in church plants, house churches and parachurch organizations, people are hearing and seeing the Gospel. That deconstruction will end in the closing of many traditional, American churches that have outlived their effectiveness.

I used to think that church plants were started by guys who just wanted church their way. And while I'm sure there is some of that, there are a ton of Xers who can't stand the Baby Boomer, CEO model of church organization. They also see that it's not effective in reaching their peer group, or those younger than them.

So, maybe this article shouldn't be called "Christianity in Decline", but "Traditional American Church in Decline", which is probably something that needs to happen anyway.

westvirginiaman said...

Once the established church decided to become a political force, it began the path to decline. We can't legislate morality. In addition, the established church alienates the people who we most need to bring to Christ. Jesus never attacked the Roman Empire. He wanted to change the heart of sinners, not prove that his politics were of higher morals than the Romans. To do that, he befriended them, not alienate them. Going to where the people who need Him is better than proving that we are right, politically. In my opinion, the Moral Majority did more damage to Christianity than any movement in the last 200 years. Let's get back to what Christ said he was here for -- "to seek and save those who are lost".