I often read Seth Godin's Blog. It has a lot of short but insightful posts. I read one a couple weeks ago called "First, ten." You can read it yourself here.
Although, it is insightful, it's not ground breaking. Jesus did it, but he started with twelve which ended up to be eleven until they added another and it was back to twelve again. The fact is it does work if . . . the "first, ten" are sold out to the cause. Whether the concept is right or wrong, good or bad, it works if there is buy in.
The success of blogs rely on the idea. Jesus began a movement. Amway built an international company. We are in a War on Terror fighting against radicals who use the tactic to their advantage. The secularist movement is growing. The church in China is exploding because of the concept. But what about the church in America? How are we doing with the "first, ten?" Some do well, but most don't.
Godin points out "you can no longer market to the anonymous masses. They're not anonymous and they're not masses. You can only market to people who are willing participants." The truth is, the American church is still stuck in marketing to the anonymous masses. In the process we have lost the Rabbi's comission to make disciples.
So how can we change the American church and create a movement that sweeps our nation and the world? It is simple. If you believe with all your heart in Jesus, find ten people who as Godin says, "trust you/respect you/need you/listen to you... Those ten people need what you have to sell, or want it. And if they love it, you win."
The challenge is on . . . pick your "first, ten."
This blog is devoted to hearing God, even through the noise of life. It is in those simple and quiet moments that God seems to speak the loudest. My prayer is that as I share the moments that God passes by in my life, that you will look for these moments in your own life. Moments you can share so others can begin to hear the whisper. (1 Kings 19:9-18)
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Miss California went for "The" Crown
Miss California set the example for every follower of Jesus. The example is to stand up for your values and beliefs even if it may cost you an earthly crown. I was thinking about what she did at the Miss America Pageant and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 came to mind:
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners (or beauty pageant contestants) run (or walk down the runway), but only one gets the prize. Everyone who competes in the games (or pageant) goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last (one for a year in this case); but we (Christ followers) do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly (or walk like a contestant without good posture); I do not fight like a man beating the air (or answer a question without being honest). No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
Miss California, thanks for being honest and standing up for what you believe. Thanks for representing the state of California, where a majority of the people believe the same way you do (as well as most of the country). You said the same thing Barack Obama said in an interview with Rick Warren. You stood up for the definition of marriage that has lasted since the existence of man and woman.
Most of all you stood by what God ordained from the beginning. You stood for absolute truth.
You did it in a very loving way, not condemning those who may oppose your view or the homosexual community.
Thanks for being real, honest and authentic. Even though you may have lost something you have been training for your whole life, you took a stand for something more important and something you will have for eternity.
You seized the day and took advantage of the position you were in to make a difference.
This reminds me of another woman who went through a beauty pageant of sorts. Esther was found to be the most beautiful woman by the king. She became his wife and this was said about her later when there was an attack being levied against God's people: "And who knows but that you have come to this position for such a time as this?"
Miss California, maybe it was God's providence for you to be in such a position as this so that you could stand for God's kingdom. Thanks for seizing the moment.
"Do you not know that in a race all the runners (or beauty pageant contestants) run (or walk down the runway), but only one gets the prize. Everyone who competes in the games (or pageant) goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last (one for a year in this case); but we (Christ followers) do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly (or walk like a contestant without good posture); I do not fight like a man beating the air (or answer a question without being honest). No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
Miss California, thanks for being honest and standing up for what you believe. Thanks for representing the state of California, where a majority of the people believe the same way you do (as well as most of the country). You said the same thing Barack Obama said in an interview with Rick Warren. You stood up for the definition of marriage that has lasted since the existence of man and woman.
Most of all you stood by what God ordained from the beginning. You stood for absolute truth.
You did it in a very loving way, not condemning those who may oppose your view or the homosexual community.
Thanks for being real, honest and authentic. Even though you may have lost something you have been training for your whole life, you took a stand for something more important and something you will have for eternity.
You seized the day and took advantage of the position you were in to make a difference.
This reminds me of another woman who went through a beauty pageant of sorts. Esther was found to be the most beautiful woman by the king. She became his wife and this was said about her later when there was an attack being levied against God's people: "And who knows but that you have come to this position for such a time as this?"
Miss California, maybe it was God's providence for you to be in such a position as this so that you could stand for God's kingdom. Thanks for seizing the moment.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Are we a Christian Nation?
There has been a lot of talk lately after President Obama said we are not a Christian Nation during a speech in Turkey. Personally, I think he was trying to say something quite different than what some on the "right" are making it out to be. He is speaking in a country which does not tolerate any other religion other than Muslim. I believe the point he was trying to make is that in the United States a person has the freedom to whatever religion. He just said it poorly.
Regardless, it has made me think about the United States being a Christian Nation. I am not sure I want the world to look at us as a Christian Nation. Think about the consequences of being known as a Christian Nation by the world.
The world sees what comes out of the United States from leaders, media and Hollywood that are not of the highest moral standard. Then the world hears us call the United States a Christian Nation. The perception of Christianity the world gets from the U.S. is a false description of what Jesus calls us to be.
The perception of Christianity may look like this to the rest of the world based on what they see coming out of the United States:
Christians Pursue wealth at any cost allowing greed to drive them to the point of corruption and enormous dept. Christians are pro-homosexuality, pro-choice and pro-sexual promiscuity. Christians are arrogant and self-seeking. Christianity has no boundaries-"believe what you want to believe because there are no absolute truths." Christianity is about power and prestige and very self-promoting.
So, do we really want to be known as a Christian Nation?
Only if it looks like Jesus. Being a Christian or Christian Nation is more than just making that proclamation. The first time the word "Christian" was used it carried a lot of meaning. It described people who followed the way of Jesus. It did not describe a religion or people who went to church. It was descriptive of the people who made up the church.
Instead of self-proclaiming ourselves or our nation as Christian, let's start living like Jesus and the description will follow.
Regardless, it has made me think about the United States being a Christian Nation. I am not sure I want the world to look at us as a Christian Nation. Think about the consequences of being known as a Christian Nation by the world.
The world sees what comes out of the United States from leaders, media and Hollywood that are not of the highest moral standard. Then the world hears us call the United States a Christian Nation. The perception of Christianity the world gets from the U.S. is a false description of what Jesus calls us to be.
The perception of Christianity may look like this to the rest of the world based on what they see coming out of the United States:
Christians Pursue wealth at any cost allowing greed to drive them to the point of corruption and enormous dept. Christians are pro-homosexuality, pro-choice and pro-sexual promiscuity. Christians are arrogant and self-seeking. Christianity has no boundaries-"believe what you want to believe because there are no absolute truths." Christianity is about power and prestige and very self-promoting.
So, do we really want to be known as a Christian Nation?
Only if it looks like Jesus. Being a Christian or Christian Nation is more than just making that proclamation. The first time the word "Christian" was used it carried a lot of meaning. It described people who followed the way of Jesus. It did not describe a religion or people who went to church. It was descriptive of the people who made up the church.
Instead of self-proclaiming ourselves or our nation as Christian, let's start living like Jesus and the description will follow.
Friday, April 3, 2009
I'm Not Worthy

When going to Kentucky Christian College I grew to dislike Ohio State Football. It had nothing to do with them not being good, it was the fans. The arogance was unbearable. I got tired of hearing that Ohio State was the "Mecca" of College Football.
My dislike grew into a dislike for Ohio. I remember making the statement that I would never live in in Ohio nor marry anyone from Ohio. Now look at me. I not only married someone from Ohio, I live in Ohio and my children have all been born in Ohio. Is this some sick joke from God, me being sentenced to Ohio? Or is Ohio in such a desperate situation it needs missionaries?
Now, I have crossed the threshold that I have lived in Ohio longer than any other state. Great.
Last Saturday I got to experience something every true Ohio State fan would love to experience. I would say I am sorry, but I'm not because it was awesome! As a true college football fan, I was like me in a Krispy Kreme donut shop.
A friend of mine, Greg G. is a recruiter for OSU Football. I have come to a conclusion he is trying to convert me to become an Ohio State Football fan. I have to admit, it is much easier with a coaches like Tressel and Greg who have a tremendous ammount of integrity and a strong belief in God. I actully will cheer for OSU against most teams. Growing up in Virginia, I will always stay loyal to the Hookies of VT.
The things I saw and experienced were incredible. I got my picture taken with my hand on one of the Heisman Trophies Archie Griffin recieved. I got to see the team rooms where the teams meet with the coaches. I got to go into the locker room both in the Woody Hayes center and at the Horseshoe. One of the most amazing things I got to see was a chalk board that Woody Hayes was outlining a book that was never written. I got to see the weight room, the players lounge and spend some time throwing football at the Horseshoe with my boys.
If I was a recruit-- I would have to say, "I'm going to Ohio State!" What a place with such a rich tradition. A place that honors the acheivements of its players in such a way they are never forgotten. A place that does not need the approval of others, a place that stands on it's own accomplishments. This was one of my top three sports experiences and I never saw a game played. I walked on hallowed ground. I am not Worthy.
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