On the popular new reality show "The Moment of Truth" (disclaimer: I do not watch the show, I saw the story on FoxNews.com), Lauren Clari was asked, "Are you a good person?" She answered what most people would say, "Yes." The problem is that she had been hooked up to a polygraph earlier where she had revealed the same answer. The polygraph revealed, that she did not really believe that answer. She wsa lying. She lost $200,000.
Here is the amazing thing about this question. It came after she had just admitted to her old boyfriend that he was the man she believed should be her husband. And after a question revealing she had cheated on her husband (who was present on the show).
Two observations:
1. She obviously thought that being unfaithful to her spouse both emotionally and physically
would fall under the "good person" category. Why wouldn't she, that is what our culture
teaches us, right? There is nothing wrong with that lifestyle, you can still be a good person
or at least think you are a good person.
2. The truth came out. Subconsciously she knew she was not as good as she wanted to be. She
may have fooled people around her, but she could not even fool herself.
Is it possible, that absolute truth is part of how God designed us? Is this why even thought she thought she was answering honestly, the truth was revealed? Maybe this is why people get to the end of their lives wondering if they were really good enough. Maybe it is this part of our design that begins to make the truth become a reality.
Mrs. Clari believed truth was relative, but she found out truth is absolute. She believed she was a good person based on what was right for her, but she found out that was a lie. The reality is that we fall into the same trap. We try to justify our lifestyles so we at least think we are a good person. The problem is there is absolute truth. There is right and wrong.
There is one more twist to this whole story. The Clari's went on knowing that the marriage was probably going to end and they could split the money. The problem is that her belief that she was a good person cost her everything. The money, her husband and her reputation.
What has living by the law that truth is relative cost you? Maybe everything.
Thank goodness there is a God who believes practices grace and mercy.
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