I have currently been reading through the gospel of Mark. I try to read a chapter every morning and every evening. When I get up in the morning I read a chapter before email or anything else online. It is pretty convenient with YouVersion on my phone. I can read the Bible anytime pretty quickly and easily.
In Mark 6:31 Jesus says to his disciples, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
It is what surrounds this statement that gives the verse more power. The first part of the verse says, because so many people were coming and going that they did not have a chance to eat.
They were busy. Have you ever been so busy you have not taken the time to eat? I have. It is within this busyness Jesus teaches us something. We have to take some time by ourselves and rest. Sometimes I turn the T.V. off at night when everyone has gone to bed and just sit in silence. The practice of a Sabbath is so important for all of us.
After they take some time with Jesus on a boat in a solitary place they land and the crowds were waiting for them. This eventually led to the disciples assisting Jesus in feeding five thousand people. They were right back at their busy lives.
In the midst of their busy lives they paused to be alone with Jesus.
My challenge to you this week is to take the time to spend some time alone with Jesus. It can be five or ten minutes a day reading a chapter of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Or it could be sitting in silence praying to God or listening to him speak into your soul. This is a time of rest for your soul, then you can get back to your busy life.
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