Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Resurrection God! Restoring God!

Man, I hate when God keeps trying to get your attention and teach you something that really messes with you. Maybe this is why I have not written a blog in such a long time. Maybe he is trying to focus me on something I need to deal with in order to serve Him better rather than just trying to come up with the next blog.

Here is the deal. I want to make sure the next half of my life ends well and contributes to the kingdom. I believe God has given me experiences in the first half of my life in order to prepare me for the last half. I just have to discern where it is he is leading me.

Well over the last several months something is becoming more clear to me. He is teaching me something I believe is not only life transformational for me, but can transform the church in which I serve. I also believe it has the potential to impact other places in the world.

A few years back I listened to a podcast from a church in Portland, Oregon called Imago Dei. The teaching from Rick McKinley that day was called, "Mustard Seed Kingdom." In it he taught the concept that God is a resurrection God, that he could bring life to that which is dead. He is a restoring God who wants to bring hope to the lives of those who have no hope. He also taught it starts out small and God makes it grow to make a bigger impact than what we could dream.

Recently I have not been able to get this out of my mind especially in some of the things and people I am involved with in Tallmadge, Cleveland, Zimbawe and more recently Puerto Rico. Then I go to the ReChurch conference at The Creek in Indianapolis and there is a clearer confirmation toward some of my thinking. I get a book they suggest and it gives more confirmation.

Here is the short version of what God is teaching me. In order to bring resurrection, restoration and change we have to support those who need new life both in their ministry and in their individual lives. And here is the kicker to my thought process-just sending money is not the support that gives life. It may help temporarily, but support requires that we are present in the lives of people.

Real restoration and resurrection occur only when we are able to speak into the hearts of people or a ministry. Spending time to understand where they are coming from and discipling them to follow Jesus. Giving them lasting hope through development not dependence. I am starting to think that through some of our generosity we are teaching people to be dependent on monetary gifts from others rather than being dependent on God.

I know it takes money to bring change in some circumstances. But money has somewhat become an easy fix for those who have the resources to be generous. I am just saying your presence in the life of that person relationally is probably more important than just sending a check. Sometimes generosity requires a person to be generous by being present.

The most generous person I know gave up everything so we could have a restored life and resurrection. So we could have hope. And the Bible says this about Him: "The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us." (John 1:14)

He was present. He came in the flesh which means he came physically. And then He dwelt among us, living as we live, experiencing the culture we live in and serving us while serving with us. He taught us how to live in such a way that through Him we could bring hope, life and encouragement to people and places that need resurrection and restoration.

Where do you need to be present today to bring a little resurrection and hope?

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