I have this big blank wall I sit in front of in my office. It is a sandy color and as I am looking around writing this I think it is time to give it a new look. Do you have any color suggestions?
Now that I decided that let me get back to what I was about to say. I have this blank wall in front of me I look at almost everyday. I just started to change the face of the wall a couple weeks ago. I decided that instead of putting up a picture or a work board I was going to write scripture on my wall. Not any scripture but scripture that means something to me at the moment.
I know, when we were kids we were told to never write on the wall. I have told my kids the same thing. My kids even aksed me when they first saw it, "Did you write on your wall? Are you suppose to do that?" I had to tell them I could always paint over it. They are old enough now to know how easy that really can be. And if they write on the wall now they are also old enough to paint.
I would like to share the first scripture (and only scripture at this point) I wrote on my wall. I pulled out a sharpie and I wrote:
Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See I am doing a new thing!
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the waste land.
Isaiah 43:18-19
Then in pencil I wrote the date I posted it.
Sometimes life and ministry is hard. And the enemy has a way of making us look at the past and dwell on things we can never change or fix. Sometimes we feel like we are walking through a desert or a waste land.
God says stop dwelling on the past and look to the future. Look to Him. It does not matter what your past looks like, God is a forgiving God and does not dwell on our past. All he asks from us is to trust Him.
"See I am doing a new thing!" There is a freshness that comes in this promise from God. We need to focus on what God is doing--not dwell on the past.
Since this has been posted on my wall, and I don't mean facebook, I have often prayed asking God to show me the new thing he is doing and wants to do in my life and in the life of Northwest. The next step is to trust Him.