Christianity is messed up. I hesitate saying this because by definition Christianity is about following Christ. So some could say (and I am sure they will) that I am saying following Christ is messed up. That's not what I am saying. What I am saying is the religion of Christianity is messed up.
Why? Because we have stopped following Christ. There, I said it! We have gotten away from studying the Bible to gain better understanding. We would rather hold on to traditions and interpretations by man rather than seeing what God says. When we do hear something that is different than what we believe we are in the habit of saying things like: "Well that's your interpretation," "I don't believe that," or "That's wrong."
I was in a discussion just recently with someone about a certain topic. I quoted a Bible verse to a question that really speaks for itself. The person said, "Why do you always go to that verse?" The reason is because God's word spells it out quite clearly.
My question is if there is something in the Bible that does not line up with what you believe, "Why aren't you trying to figure out why it does not line up?" Our pride will not let us examine it because we may have to admit we are wrong. I would rather admit that I was wrong than live in wrongness all my life. And you know what, I have been wrong many times.
But there is one thing I will do. In my pursuit to live like Jesus I will study the Bible striving to get as close as I can to the way Jesus would want me to live. Even if I have to challenge what I have always been taught growing up in the Restoration Movement, the independent Christian church/church or Christ. My great grandfather was a preacher and my grandfather was an elder in the church of Christ. They would disagree with a lot of what I believe from the Bible.
I blame my dad. He taught me to study for myself and challenge in places that do not line up with the Bible. But I thank my dad because I have a better understanding of who Jesus wants me to be rather than what the church I grew up in wants me to be. I learn stuff all the time that is different from what I use to believe and every time I do, I seem to grow a little closer to Jesus.
It seems at least from my experiences thus far that I get in that mode of denial when I'm just not really wanting to change... which certainly isn't very good for me especially for any growth. I'm comfortable where I'm at. Especially if I really don't know really well.
The only thing that has shaken that out has been some people I've grown to trust enough and accountable to+with to push me and call me on it. James 5:16 --> Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
I think people find that it is easier to go on what they learned growing up in church instead of praying and studying the bible and figuring out what God wants from us. Honestly I think even more than that people go on there emotions and feelings rather than really looking at what God says. I can't tell you how many people will justify something just based on pure emotion. I know plenty of people will say that something is acceptable because they are emotionally invested in something or someone (example: some people will say that homosexuality isn't a sin because they may know someone who is close to them that is, but that doesn't justify it). But I definately would agree. I think people have a hard time facing the truth and instead of trying to figure it out with the risk of being wrong, we would rather live in a safe bubble where all our thoughts and opinions stay put. I say "we" cause I am just as guilty of this as anyone else. I think as humans we are meant to change and grow but it's not an easy process and so we avoid it at all costs. And as Christians, it's worse! lol
I totally agree with you Scott. It is about time we get back to falling in love with Jesus and not the idea of Jesus.
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