Spring Gobbler season starts tomorrow in Ohio, next Monday for West Virginia. There are several reasons I love to Spring Gobbler hunt. One is being in the woods early in the morning and experiencing the woods waking up. As the sun begins to come up you can hear the calm call of a hoot owl in the distance, often followed by the echoing gobble of a big tom. Then other birds begin to call to each other flying quickly from one branch to the next. An occasional rustle of the leaves reveals the presence of a gray squirrel looking for breakfast. The hoot owl gives another call, followed by the sound of several gobblers making known their location. From time to time you can hear a something walking quietly in the distance and as it gets closer you can see it is a deer looking for acorns. This time a gobble is followed by a soft cluck from a hen, letting the gobbler she is close by. To say the least, when the woods begin to wake, it is noisy.
That noise reveals another presence. It reveals the presence of God as His creation begins another day. When I am in the woods I always feel like I am in the presence of God. I love those moments when he reveals himself through moments in life. What are some of those moments for you? When and where do you experience God the most?
That noise reveals another presence. It reveals the presence of God as His creation begins another day. When I am in the woods I always feel like I am in the presence of God. I love those moments when he reveals himself through moments in life. What are some of those moments for you? When and where do you experience God the most?
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