One of my favorite passages in the Bible is when Elijah stands on Mount Horeb in the prsence of the Lord waiting for God to pass by. As he is standing there a great wind, a earthquake and fire came but God was not in any of those. But then there was what was described as a "gentle whisper." The Bible tell us that when Elijah heard the whisper he covered his face and went out and stood in the mouth of the cave. (1 Kings 19:9-18)
It was in that whisper that God spoke. It was not in all the noise from the wind, the earthquke or the fire it was in the whisper. Sometimes we do not experience God becasue we are looking for him in the noise and sometimes that noise is self created becasue we are so busy.
I am fortunate to have access to a family farm in the middle of nothing. There is no phone and cell phone sevice is minimal. The T.V. gets two fuzzy channels. And there is no internet access. The pictures on my blog page are that place on earth I go to get away from the noise. It is so quiet, I have a hard time sleeping. But that is when we really can hear God the best, when we slow down and get away from the noise. If you can never hear the whisper maybe it is because there is to much noise in your life.
There is a practice in Judaism on the sabbath to have a Sabbath Box. Someone will stand at the door with a box for people to put everything in that may keep them from experiencing the presence of God. People place their cell phones, their remote controls to the T.V., Computers what ever makes noise in their life. Whatever keeps them from experiencing God.
Try it! Turn off your phone, go without T.V. or the internet for a period of time. And when you hear the whisper go to the mouth of the cave and experieince the presence of God-- It will be refreshing to your soul.
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