Recently, I have heard people talk about how we need to do more advertising in the newspapers, radio or on our sign. The argument is that the way to get more people to come to the church is to market the church better.
I agree we need to do a better job in marketing the church, I just don't agree with the method or the message.
The method of advertising in the media is expensive and it does not produce great results. I understand the argument that people need to know who we are in the community, but what does an advertisement do other than giving the time we meet, where we are located and how to contact the church.
Important stuff, but that doesn't make people stay. They may come one time, staying for a few weeks, but whether they stay long term depends on so much more. We can say we have great music (which we do), a children's program and biblical teaching, but if we are not helping people connect with Jesus we are missing the mark.
If the church would become intentional on reflecting the image of Jesus in our community people would know who are and find out where we worship. When we live out the message people take notice. People become interested. People give of their time and resources at a higher level. An impact is made on the lives of those around us and on those who live out the mission of the church.
When we do a great day of service and people are serving in the community those they are serving or serving with begin to inquire about the church. They want to know why you would give up time on a weekend to serve people you don't even know. And the answer is not, "So you will come to our church." The answer is, "Jesus wants us to be the servant of all. And I have made the choice I am going to serve others the way Jesus served us all."
The method becomes taking the church to the world instead of hoping the world comes to the church. Kind of the way Jesus marketed the church, wouldn't you say?