God has really been teaching me something about encouraging, leading and discipling people. I would like to say I already knew the principle. Maybe I did, but it has never been revealed so clearly and in so many ways than over the last nine months.
It is the "Principle of Being Present."
Often we think of supporting people and ministries as making sure they have the resources to function. It terms of church planters, missionaries or even ministers in your church we think if we make sure they have enough to live on and money for them to sustain ministry for a period of time that is enough.
It is not enough. What they need more than anything is for people to be present in their lives. Not present in the sense that you are watching every move they make, lording over them. But present in the sense that you are walking with them and sharing in their ministry and the vision God has given them.
I had been spending some time with a church planter we support in Ohio and then took a trip to work with a missionary we support in Puerto Rico. They had the same tired look on their face. And in both cases serving beside them changed their whole perspective on what they were trying to accomplish. It seemed to give them a renewed spirit in a way that a check in the mail wouldn't.
We received this from the missionaries report card after our visit last October which confirmed this principle: "I don't know of a single missionary who is satisfied with the results of their effort. The vast majority worry constantly if the churches back home think they are failures. Missionaries put out newsletters that they hope will 'satisfy' the probing eye of the church leaders back home. This may be why the average ministry on the field of the average missionary is only 18 months. (I might add in ALL denominations too). You might want to consider asking questions that minister to the field missionary."
He's right. The only thing I would change is the word "minister" to the word "encourage." And the way to encourage in a way that brings resurrection is to be present. This is what Jesus did right? He became flesh and dwelled among us to bring life. He didn't just mail in a check. He didn't stand over us and watch every move we made. He encouraged us to live a life that reflected the image of the Father. And he did it by being present. The way to lead people be followers of Jesus is to be present in their lives.
Where did Christianity switch from being present to standing on the sidelines pointing out everything that is wrong with culture without investing time reflecting the image of Jesus?
You know this being present thing works when it comes to being a parent too. Some parents think that if they just give their kids everything (even if it means never being around) then they have done all they can do to raise good children. What kids want more than stuff is for you to be present in their lives, encouraging them and walking with them through life.
It works in the business world as well. The manager that encourages and empowers those under them will see greater results with out destroying their spirit. Abraham Lincoln had a habit of visiting the troops during the civil war. He very seldom called people into his office, instead he went to spend time with them on their turf.
If we really want to become a church that makes disciples it is imperative we learn the principle of being present in the life of those we are trying to disciple.
How can you be present in some one's life today?