I am sitting in a coffee house in my home town of Salem, Va. I am here for my high school reunion. I had a cousin ask me last night what number this was so I told him, "30." Another cousin said, "Wow!" That didn't make me feel old.
As I drive around Salem I have noticed it has changed a lot, but so have I. I have a little gray hair. I am a little heavier (which I am working on doing something about). Although those are visible changes I have changed spiritually as well.
I am looking at the church a lot differently these days.
While I can't wait to see some of my high school friends, I don't want to relive my high school days. They were great days, but there comes a time when we have to mature into someone that makes a difference in the world.
I think that is true of the church as well. Through the church growth movement we have seen some great days. People were filling church buildings as the church became more seeker sensitive and attractional. Church was fun and exciting much like my high school days.
But something has happened over the last 10-15 years. While many churches and church leaders continue to live in the days of success, the culture around us has changed. I hear people say we need to go back and do the things we did when we were successful (when the church was exciting and full).
The answer is not about looking back. The answer comes in looking ahead or at the very least looking to the present.
As I sit here in this coffee house I am thinking about the future. Realizing I am getting older, I am starting to ask myself the question how can God use me to impact the kingdom in the second half of life.
It is great remembering the past, but we have no control of that. What we do have control of is the future. So the question is what are we going to do with the future? Are we going to make a difference in the short time we have here on this earth? Or are we going to dwell on the past while the world around us changes and passes us by?
How are you going to be a little more like Jesus tomorrow than you were today?