You may have heard that recently there was a group of people who were killed in Afghanistan. They were there on humanitarian efforts performing medical and dental services. I may have crossed paths with one of the ladies who lost their life that day.
I was an associate minister at a church in Kenmore (Akron) and her grandfather was one of the elders. Earl Beckett was a great man. He loved God and he loved people. His son Charles grew up and became a minister in the Christian Church/Church of Christ. I can not remember if I ever met Charles and his family, but I may have. I figure that Cheryl would have been about 12 at the time, if our paths ever crossed. If I didn't meet her, I know her grandfather must of talked about her one of the many times we played golf together. At that time no one would have known this day would have come.
When I watched Charles talk about her and how she loved the Afghan people it struck me how God is so amazing. God created within Cheryl a passion to love people who Americans find it hard to love. All Cheryl was doing was living the way God designed her to live. She was living for God.
I read some of the responses to an article written about Cheryl. Most people were very supportive of the family and the humanitarian efforts by this group. Some however were less sensitive. Then I read a response that went something like this: "Why would someone have to risk their lives to help people so far away when there are people in the United States that could use the same kind of help?"
While you may cheer that response or even ask the same question here is the answer why: Because God created within Cheryl a love for the Afghan people. A love so great that she was willing to risk her life for people God cares deeply about. While she was not over there as a missionary or to tell people about Jesus, she was living as Jesus would have her live. She was wrapping a towel around her waste and washing the feet of people who we have quickly learned to have a hatred toward. I learned through her life God loves all people and finds a way for everyone on earth to experience His love through those devoted to Him.
My question to you, especially if you wonder why would she would go there if there was so much work to do here is this: What are you doing here to make a difference in the lives of those you think Cheryl or others should stay and help? There are plenty of people who say they are following Jesus here who can be the hands and feet of Jesus, but there are few God has called to love people in remote parts of the earth.
But when he calls, we can only be obedient and go.
My prayer goes out to the Becketts as they mourn and celebrate the life of their daughter who showed us how to love God and love people and was willing to give her life for the cause of the kingdom.